Friday, December 09, 2005

Engadget Reader Meetup

Geek Elitism, alive and well.

Seriously, I had a lot of fun tonight. The meetup was a chance for readers and fans of the gadget blog, Engadget, to see the face of their fellow techno-literate brethren. I was surprised I think. My most recent relevant experience, with I'm guessing over 50% overlap for attendants, was Penny Arcade's PAX expo (brought to you by the Department of Redundancy Department). At PAX, I was rather surprised because going felt just like being a reader. I lurked at the site, and when I met these people in person, even when I tried to be friendly, I got a very minimal response. I can't blame those who actively chat in the forums for all knowing eachother, but I was expecting a slightly less anti-social crowd.

The Engadget meetup was much better in this regard, with special thanks going out to the guys responsible, Ryan and Peter who were really cool and friendly. I also spoke with a couple of the product people like a rep for MSN's SPOT technology who was very patient with me (thanks Sue!) and Matthew from Microvision (I really look forward to accessible HUD tech).

Also, there are already pics up from the event, though not ones that I took. The only one I managed to snap was with my crappy cam-phone, and let's face it, the 'ole T610 wants me to get a new high-paying job almost as much as I do. He *wants* to be retired for something cool like this successor.



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