Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thanks Paul K.

On the web, nobody knows you're not a venture-backed startup

a new spin on an old adage. So far as a cursory Google tells me, that cartoon first appeared in 1993, which makes it damn near as old as the internet (web, web, but you know what I mean). Paul notes that in this mashup age of AJAX et al, it's increasingly possible for one-man (no gender bias intended) shops to produce solid products.

I like the economic possibilities of a market where the forces behind new services and products are obscured and are therefore more likely to be judged on their merits. As an economist (by education, anyhow), I must say that the real advances in the tools for creating new content as well as accessing, mixing, viewing existing content are extremely exciting. Some time in the very recent past, it has become possible for almost anyone to create a solid site. Not only that, but the obfuscation of who is driving new web/software ventures means that they are more likely to be judged on their merits as opposed to what school they attended, whether they wear the appropriate attire, their ethnic background, etc. Essentially, anyone can conduct a free market test without financial backing and if successful, better negotiate for the funding necessary to adequately market and expand their service.

via Infectious Greed



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