Saturday, February 04, 2006

Video Experiment

Les see if blogger supports this:

As seen on

Warning, there is some definite NSFW content at so venture beyond the link above w/ care. The hope of course is that the video shows fine embedded.

Of additional note, I'd really like a pair of those pogo-shoes or whatever they're called. If anyone has a link or even a name/brand, please comment.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thanks Paul K.

On the web, nobody knows you're not a venture-backed startup

a new spin on an old adage. So far as a cursory Google tells me, that cartoon first appeared in 1993, which makes it damn near as old as the internet (web, web, but you know what I mean). Paul notes that in this mashup age of AJAX et al, it's increasingly possible for one-man (no gender bias intended) shops to produce solid products.

I like the economic possibilities of a market where the forces behind new services and products are obscured and are therefore more likely to be judged on their merits. As an economist (by education, anyhow), I must say that the real advances in the tools for creating new content as well as accessing, mixing, viewing existing content are extremely exciting. Some time in the very recent past, it has become possible for almost anyone to create a solid site. Not only that, but the obfuscation of who is driving new web/software ventures means that they are more likely to be judged on their merits as opposed to what school they attended, whether they wear the appropriate attire, their ethnic background, etc. Essentially, anyone can conduct a free market test without financial backing and if successful, better negotiate for the funding necessary to adequately market and expand their service.

via Infectious Greed


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

iPod iNertia

I know, I'm so clever for inverting the capitalization of the first and second letters in a word relating to iPods... Forgive me.

Anyway, interesting news today comes via GigaOm aka Om Malik, whom I've linked to before. He notes a Times article that states the British Navy's newest ships come with improved amenities for their seamen.

Mess decks are replaced by individual cabins, each with their own I-pod charging points, CD player, internet access, five channel recreational audio and larger berths.

You read that right, iPod charging stations built-in. Wow.


Monday, January 30, 2006

Cory, Cory

Cory Doctorow, a writer with whom I do not always agree, has written a compelling post at boing boing that asks fantastic questions of the bigwigs of motion pictures. My favorite:

I'd also like to know whether they think that since Sony advertised the first generation of VCRs as tools for making libraries of your favorite shows, and since that has never been held to be legal by a US court, should Sony be busted under the Grokster decision, which makes you liable for infringements that you "induce" among your customers? If not, does the MPAA believe that making libraries of movies that are aired on broadcast TV is a fair use?

Check the rest of the post here. And do note that although I don't always agree with him, I think that Cory has many great things to say about copyright and it's problems and I respect him greatly.
